1993 Ford Aeromax L-9000
Asking Price: Sold!
- 15-speed transmission
- 3406 Cat motor (first computer engine -NO EMISSIONS!) 224,139 miles on new core out frame overhaul; new turbo, brake
and air bags - Cat engine #: 09CK14898.
- 10-225 aluminum wheels
- New 5th wheel on 4′ slide.
- Headache rack with chain
storage . - An electric hydraulic pump used for belly dump.
10% Buyers Premium will be charged.
Darrell E. Simnitt
(785) 231-0374
All Prospective Buyers
All items will be sold “as is” “where is”, without warranties or guarantee by Sellers or Auctioneers. All items will sell to the highest bidder. The final bidder is required to pay for the purchase regardless of its faults. Everything will sell for cash, VISA, MasterCard, certified check, company or personal check when accompanied by bank letter of credit guaranteeing payment on demand for total purchases over $1500.00. Purchases must be paid for on the day of sale. All purchases to be paid in U.S. Funds.
A 10% buyers premium will be charged.